Phenix Mobile SDK v2020.1.56 Pre-release Notes
Release Date: 2020.08.31
Issues addressed in this release:
Added support for subscribing to messages based on mime-types
Fix to properly expose API in support for configurable sampling rate for BlueTooth SCO capability in Android
Added client side timeouts for member updates
To get the Android SDK:
Update the Phenix SDK version in build.gradle file to `2020.1.56`
To get the iOS SDK:
Update the Phenix SDK version in Podfile to `2020.1.56-beta`
Or contact Phenix for the iOS SDK download location.
Notes on Integrating the Android SDK
In order to support BlueTooth SCO headsets
1. Configure the sample rate overrides for recording and playback to values that are required by SCO:
try {
} catch (ErrnoException e) {
// handle exception
2. Enable SCO in the AudioManager (this example assumes the code is placed in your Application subclass):
AudioManager audioManager = (AudioManager)getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE);
// call at appropriate time - detection of BT on
// call at appropriate time - detection of BT off
3. For both publishing and subscribing, make sure that audio echo cancellation is enabled in the respective options:
// publishing
final UserMediaOptions mediaConstraints = new UserMediaOptions();
singletonList(new DeviceConstraint(AudioEchoCancelationMode.ON)));
PublishOptions publishOptions = PCastExpressFactory.createPublishOptionsBuilder()
// add any other options
// subscribing
final RendererOptions rendererOptions = new RendererOptions();
rendererOptions.audioEchoCancelationMode = AudioEchoCancelationMode.ON;
JoinChannelOptionsBuilder joinChannelOptionsBuilder = ChannelExpressFactory
// add any other options
4. Note that only mono streams are supported by SCO.
In order to subscribe to messages by mime-type
Notes on Integrating the iOS SDK
In order to specify the iOS release in the pod spec
In order to pick up that latest version, you may need to run this pod command:
To change this in the Podfile:
In order to subscribe to messages by mime-type
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