Why doesn’t my app build with the iOS SDK?
Typical problems include the following.
Download problems:
What is the size of PhenixSdk.framework lib file? If it is small (<1MB) the SDK was not successfully downloaded.
git is not working
Diagnose: A command like the following should return a successful outcome:
git clone git@github.com:PhenixRTS/iOSSDK.git
Based on the outcome, the git may not be configured, the user may not be logged in, or the github account may not have access to the repository.Solution: Make sure that the git user is logged in, has access to the repository, and that the git is configured.
GIT LFS Isn’t installed
Solution: Install LFS as described here.
Cached wrong version of SDK
Make sure the prior things are working, then:
pod cache clean 'PhenixSdk'; pod deintegrate; pod setup; pod install;
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