Creating EdgeAuth tokens in the Portal

Creating EdgeAuth tokens in the Portal

If you have an AppId and secret, you can create EdgeAuth tokens in the Phenix customer portal (https://phenixrts.com/portal/#/login).

If you do not have an AppID and secret, contact your Phenix representative.

These tokens are bundled with the option to create Permalinks, which can be used for publishing and subscribing.

Access the Permalinks creation page by clicking on a Channel Name in the Channel list that is shown when you first log into the portal.

Click on the “EdgeAuth” option in the far right, which will show the Permalink creation page.

The Link Type option allows you to choose either Viewing or Publishing. If you select “Publishing”, an additional option will appear to select Quality Capabilities.


Select the capabilities for the link using the gray Capabilities box.

The in the Capabilities box will take you to the API documentation for the capabilities shown.

You can create a new tag in the Tag box, or apply existing tags using Apply Tags. You can optionally include the Origin Stream ID in that box.

Select the Media Input type.

Once your options have been selected, click the “Generate Permalink” button.

Click the “Copy” button to copy the token or the link to your clipboard. The EdgeAuth token is everything between “edgeToken=” and the “#” before the channel alias (shown underlined below).


If a token has expired, users will be presented with an “Access Denied” message.


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