How does Phenix multi-bitrate transcoding work for adaptive bitrate (ABR) delivery? What do I need to include in my code to enable it?

Phenix provides customers with Adaptive Bitrate (ABR) capabilities for optimal stream quality given each individual viewer’s network conditions. 

To enable transcoding for real-time multi-bitrate and multi-resolution delivery, you simply pass the multi-bitrate capability on the publisher. You also pass through the desired quality capability. When adjusting bitrate based on Internet connection, we use lower resolutions for lower renditions. Our default MBR policy uses resolution bitrate pairs that are very similar to YouTube. Phenix will automatically transcode to the applicable quality layers below the selected quality level. For example, if you select hd as your top layer, then you get hd, sd , ld, vld , and uld renditions.

There are no requirements on the viewer side to enable ABR streaming. As long as you have multi-bitrate on the publisher, the viewers will automatically connect to the highest quality layer that is sustainable for the network connection. The viewers will also switch between quality layers as needed throughout the duration of their streams. 

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