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When developing your application, use tokens to support actions such as joining channels or rooms and subscribing to streams. For details on Edge Token usage, see Edge Token Usage.You will notice that the WebSDK 2.0 sample JSFiddle, among others, uses a static token in the JavaScript to subscribe to the desired channel. This channel name can be seen in the token by using a base64 decode of the token eyJhcHBsaWNhdGlvbklkIjoiZGVtbyIsImRpZ2VzdCI6Ing1WURkOWxEOS9acmNQSERrTG1RZHVJc3FoNWZscE52bVRFaHZBS0xkSzlnTnk5VHYxeURpbjNaT2s5QVptcVpxajdCU0VQZXZ4UzhzNUpDZEZ6RWJ3PT0iLCJ0b2tlbiI6IntcImV4cGlyZXNcIjoxOTMwMDc2NjI2NjYwLFwicmVxdWlyZWRUYWdcIjpcImNoYW5uZWxBbGlhczpwaGVuaXhXZWJzaXRlRGVtb1wifSJ9to:{"applicationId":"demo","digest":"x5YDd9lD9/ZrcPHDkLmQduIsqh5flpNvmTEhvAKLdK9gNy9Tv1yDin3ZOk9AZmqZqj7BSEPevxS8s5JCdFzEbw==","token":"{"expires":1930076626660,"requiredTag":"channelAlias:phenixWebsiteDemo"}"}

If you have access to the Phenix Customer Portal, you can paste the a token into the EdgeAuth > Debug Token page available from any channel.


If you use the Portal, it The Portal will indicate that the Application ID in the token (the Phenix demo Application ID) does not match the current Application ID (i.e., your Application ID).
